🔒Jeff’s Prequel: Journey into the Dark Forest of Lumberlandia

Jeff had just turned 50 last month and was enjoying a peaceful life filled with routine. He loved his life, relishing the beautiful scenery of Lumberlandia and its pristine lakes. Often, he found joy in laying on the lush grasses of parks or going on daily hikes to keep fit and sharp. Sometimes, he even helped friends walk their dogs or spent hours biking. Occasionally, he indulged in picnics, kayaking, or simply visiting his favorite spot in Lumberlandia to admire the stunning views.

Despite his fulfilling days, Jeff was an introvert who rarely made an effort to meet new friends. He was very comfortable with his routin
e life. Occasionally, when his libido surged, he would check dating apps for interesting people. However, he often got tired of reaching out and waiting for replies, leaving others hanging. His sporadic use of these apps didn’t help him connect with people, and he was too lazy to make any real effort.
Jeff was at peace. He followed his routine, came home, cooked, and prepared for bed, ready to repeat the cycle the next day. He had no complaints and never felt the need to change anything. Although he sometimes felt lonely, his friends and hobbies kept him busy enough to brush off those moments of isolation. He never felt a strong urge to be with anyone that would disrupt his daily activities. Meeting people online was only an option if it was convenient and didn’t require too much effort.

One day, a friend mentioned that people were having parties and live escape room experiences in the Dark Forest of Lumberlandia. Usually, the Dark Forest was off-limits to preserve its unique wildlife and plants. However, a new group of jocks, different from the usual lumberjacks, had started throwing secret parties there. Jeff was intrigued. The idea of visiting the Dark Forest, a place he had never been, was exciting. It was a missing piece in his map of Lumberlandia, offering the chance to explore a new place and meet new people.
Jeff pondered the idea, searching the web for information but finding little. The Lumberlandia government shared minimal details, so he had to rely on an old map from his closet. After years of not reading a physical map, he struggled but eventually found his cabin and the Dark Forest’s location. It was at the far corner of Lumberlandia, hidden from major traffic. Reaching it would require driving through dusty roads, crossing small rivers, and navigating crossroads.

Jeff had a plan. He knew where to go and just needed to decide when. Despite an inner voice warning him against it, he was determined to explore the Dark Forest, seeing it as a chance for growth and adventure.
“I’m going there this Saturday night. What can go wrong?” Jeff thought.
This blog post introduces Jeff’s tranquil life in Lumberlandia and his decision to explore the mysterious Dark Forest, setting the stage for the thrilling events to come in the comic. Stay tuned for more about Jeff’s adventure in “Becoming a Werewolf.”
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